Printing Full Color Design Step by Step Process on a t-shirt. Things you will need to start using this type of process.
- computer
- silhouette cutter
- heat press

What is your design
The first thing you want to do is open up the design. The design I choose was a circular design which my customer wanted printed on his t-shirt. I prefer to print all my designs with my screen printing machine but in this case the amount of t-shirts was only 5 t-shirts. It would not be cost effective if I would screen print this order. But with this method you can print out the order fairly quick.
Adding the design to the silhouette
The silhouette is a small cutter that we use at the shop for these types of orders. The cutter with the program can run you around $400. Which is affordable for a DIY project or if you are starting a small t-shirt company. The program is really easy to use and if you can design on photoshop or illustrator it is right up your wheel house. The learning curve is minimal. Once you add the design into the art board, you add registration marks to your design and print away.
Picking out your vinyl
When you are going to print with full color vinyl make sure you pick the correct one for the type of t-shirt you are printing. There is a white color vinyl for white t-shirts only. You will also have a dark color vinyl which is used for all dark colors t-shirts.
Heat press
You are going to need a heat press to cure your t-shirt. There are a lot of heat presses in the market to choose from. I would look for one that is affordable for you and is in your budget. You can also find heat presses used that work just as good as a new one. The most important thing is to have one that does the job.
This is how you are Printing Full Color Design Step by Step Process: on t-shirt.